Thursday, May 10, 2007

Life outside Vr

I have had several folks ask about opening reading and parsing external files. There are so many applications that I don't even know where to begin. Whether plain ascii text files, or binary, python is loaded with tools for doing what you want or need. I think I'll just start rambling and see where we head. One thing that you will notice immediately is that there can be literally dozens of ways of accomplishing the same task. I'm not going to pretend that what I am putting forward is the best or most efficient, I'll just mention some tools that come in handy quite often. For today lets just open a file and grab some data from it. Let's pick a file that everyone should have, that being your Vr configuration file \vr\hostdir\vr.cfg. Don't worry, for now we'll just open it in read only mode. In your favorite python editor or pyedi within VrOne type and run the following.


Ok, I'll admit that was a trick, it shouldn't have worked, even though everything about the command is totally correct, except that is for the backslashes "\". But wait you say, we are working in windows, and the backslash is what is always used to specify path hierarchy, and you would be correct. The problem is that the backslash is a special character in python (and several other languages, not to mention unix). Python uses a forward slash to separate path elements, or to use backslashes you have to tell python you are sending it a "raw" string and that it should not treat the backslashes as escape characters. I don't start here to be bothersome, but it is important to understand that python expects certain things and may send back something you aren't expecting if you aren't careful. Note the paste of a session where I open the file using 3 valid commands, look at what comes back, and realize that this is outside VrOne in the PythonWin editor.

First I open it with forward slashes because I grew up on unix, the forward slash is always in the same place no matter what keyboard you have, it is what python prefers, and I just like it better. I'll use "f" as the open file object and will open it, display it, and close it. The 'r' means to open it in read-only mode, we'll talk about modes later but I digress.

>>> f=open('/vr/hostdir/vr.cfg','r')
>>> f
Text describing file object which blogger deletes for some reason.
>>> f.close()

Next we'll use backslashes, but they have to be protected by another character so they aren't evaluated as an escape sequence, by coincidence the character that does this is a backslash so each occurence must be entered as
>>> f=open('\\vr\\hostdir\\vr.cfg','r')
>>> f
Text describing file object which blogger deletes for some reason.
>>> f.close()

Next we'll use the backslashes but we'll tell python that the name string is a raw string and that the backslashes shouldn't be evaluated as anything else. Just put an r in front of it and we're good to go.
>>> f=open(r'\vr\hostdir\vr.cfg','r')
>>> f
Text describing file object which blogger deletes for some reason.
>>> f.close()

It is worth noting that if you grab a filename inside Vr using either of the following, it returns forward slashes.
print PyVrGui().OpenFileNameDialog('title','c:/vr/hostdir','*.cfg')
print PyVrGui().OpenFileNameDialog('title','c:\\vr\\hostdir','*.cfg')

That will do for now. Yeah it's pretty slim, but I need to go and we'll actually read something next time. For now though it wouldn't hurt to get familiar with some of the python file methods, from the python docs. You can also get a little more information on the open function from the built-in functions docs (just scroll down to open()), this will come in handy when we move to appending, writing, and binary files.

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For anyone interested in trying VrPython for the first time or if you are early in the game, I suggest going to the earliest posts and working forward. I use VrPython every day for many wonderful things, needless to say it will change and could potentially damage a file. Any risk associated with using VrPython or any code or scripts mentioned here lies solely with the end user.

The "Personal VrPython page" in the link section will contain many code examples and an organized table of contents to this blog in a fairly un-attractive (for now) form.