Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Placing Lines Within Polygons Uniquely

 I'll be honest, there might be a function to do this but I couldn't find it and it was only going to take a few minutes so let's take a look.  I have a bunch of triangles for and  XML file that need to be subdivided into areas that are defined by polygons.  I need to make sure that the triangles are kept intact and that there are no duplicates.  In my case it didn't need to be an exact science and I wasn't worried about the edges.  My solution was to check each triangle against a polygon and if the first point of the triangle was within the polygon it would be flagged, or in this case the layer changed.  I just banged it out and I may make changes but for now it does the trick.

print ('line_change_line_in_polygon.py modified   06:25 2023/11/07')
# Change layer of line that starts within polygon.

Author: Dennis Shimer dshimer@gmail.com
License: cc-by-sa  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/



PromBox = VrPromBox ('Check lines in Polygon.', 30, 1)
PromBox.AddInt ('Layer to check', CheckLayer, 1, 32000)
PromBox.AddInt ('Change layer to', NewLayer, 1, 32000)
if (PromBox.Display(0) == 0):
CheckLayer=PromBox.GetIntByPrompt('Layer to check')
NewLayer=PromBox.GetIntByPrompt('Change layer to')
print (CheckLayer,BoundingLine.GetLayer())
for EntNum in range ( Ws.GetLineCount(WsNum)):
if CheckLayer == Ws.GetLineLayer(WsNum,EntNum):
Line.Load (WsNum, EntNum)
if BoundingLine.IsPointInside (X,Y):
# print (X,Y,Z)
# Line.Plot()
print (PointsFound)


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